Ang Tanggapan ng Kalihim sa Pamamahayag ay ang pangunahing sangay ng pamahalaan sa komunikasyon at ang tagahatid ng kaalaman at kamulatan sa mamamayan, na ikinararangal ang pamanang taglay at nakasunod sa mga pandaigdigang realidad.
- Magsilbi bilang tagapanguna sa pagpapataas ng kamalayan, pagtataguyod ng mobilisasyon panlipunan bilang suporta sa patakaran, palatuntunan at proyekto ng Panguluhan.
- Magsilbi bilang instrumento sa pagpapabatid kaalaman hinggil sa kahalagahan ng usaping pambansa na magbibigay inspirasyon sa mamamayan upang mapalalim ang kanilang pakiki-isa sa mga isyu sibiko.
PCO is the lead communications arm of the government, and the primary source of the Administration's messages for an informed and empowered citizenry.
We provide accurate information, education and communications materials on government initiatives in partnership with key stakeholders.
We effectively communicate and disseminate information regarding the policies, priority programs and projects of the Administration through appropriate media.
We develop and manage the strategic communications of the President and the Administration to ensure a whole-of-government approach through the implementation of unified messaging.
Core Values
Quality Policy
The PCO leads in strengthening the connection of the Office of the President and the Executive Department to the citizenry. It aims to mainstream information accessibility using the whole-of-government strategy by:
Providing accurate and timely information and communication services to mobilize a well-informed and empowered citizenry;
Conveying the statements of the President and information about government programs and services in collaboration with its accredited media partner organizations; and,
Organizing a unified messaging system and a communications coordination mechanism to achieve the highest impact of various government programs and services.
The PCO commits to comply with the relevant regulations and requirements for the continuous improvement of its management systems toward sustained customer satisfaction.

Jaybee C. Ruiz
Timeline of PCO Secretary and Former OPS Secretaries

Citizen's Charter
Committee Directory
Presidential Communications Office
Attached Agencies/Bureaus/Offices
- Executive Order No. 16, dated : Reorganizing the Presidential Commucations Office
- Executive Order No. 11, dated : Further Streamlining the Administrative Structure of the Office of the President
- Executive Order No. 2, dated : Reorganizing and renaming the Presidential Communications Operations Office and its attached agencies into the Office of the Press Secretary, abolishing the Office of the Presidential Spokesperson, and for other purposes
- Executive Order No. 4, dated : Reorganizing and renaming the Office of the Press Secretary as the Presidential Communications Operations Office; creating the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office; and for other purposes
- Executive Order No. 293, dated : Streamlining the organizational and functional operations of the agencies attached to the Office of the Press Secretary
- Executive Order No. 297, dated : Reorganization of the Office of the Press Secretary prescribing its powers and functions and other purposes
- Executive Order No. 92, dated : Expanding the scope of responsibility, authority and accountability of the Office of the Press Secretary
- Memorandum Order No. 32, dated : Creating the Office of the Press Secretary in the Office of the President
of the Philippines
Whereas, Section 17, Article VII of the Constitution vests in the President the power of control over all executive departments, bureaus and offices, and the mandate to ensure the faithful executions of laws;
Whereas, Section 31, Chapter 10, Title Ill of Executive Order (EO) No. 292 of the "Administrative Code of 1987," provides that the President, in order to achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have the continuing authority to reorganize the administrative structure of the Office of the President (OP);
Whereas, EO No. 2 (s. 2022) reorganized the communications agencies and offices, in view of the need to rationalize and consolidate the communications arm of the Administration for a more efficient delivery of public service;
Whereas, EO No. 11 (s. 2022), which further streamlined the administrative structure of the OP, renamed the Office of the Press Secretary as the Presidential Communications Office (PCO), and placed the same under the direct control and supervision of the President;
Whereas, under EO No. 11, the PCO shall be responsible for crafting, formulating, developing, enhancing, and coordinating the messaging system of the Executive branch and the OP; and
Whereas, there is a need to reorganize the PCO to ensure rationalization of its organizational structure, functions, and staffing pattern, consistent with the Administration's continuing efforts towards efficiency and responsiveness in the delivery of critical mandates to the Filipino people;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR., President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution and existing laws, do hereby order:
Section 1. Presidential Communications Office. The PCO, which shall be headed by a Secretary, shall serve as the primary office of the Executive branch in engaging and involving the citizenry and the mass media in enriching the quality of public discourse on all matters of governance. For this purpose, the PCO shall be responsible in crafting, formulating, developing, enhancing, and coordinating the messaging system of the Executive branch and the OP.
Section 2. Structure of the PCO. The PCO Secretary, in the exercise of overall control and supervision of the PCO, shall be assisted by five (5) Undersecretaries and fourteen (14) Assistant Secretaries, with one (1) Assistant Secretary directly reporting to the PCO Secretary. The Secretary is hereby authorized to continuously assess and evaluate, and on the basis thereof, transfer, delineate, reassign, or reorganize the functional areas of responsibility of each Undersecretary and/or Assistant Secretary as he or she may deem necessary.
The Undersecretaries shall each be assigned and put in charge of the following functional areas of responsibility:
- Traditional Media and External Affairs;
- Digital Media Services;
- Content Production;
- Broadcast Production; and
- Operations, Administration and Finance.
The PCO Secretary and the Presidential Adviser for Creative Communications shall closely coordinate with each other on matters relating to communications and information dissemination, and the development and enhancement of the messaging system of the Executive branch and the OP.
Section 3. Traditional Media and External Affairs. The Undersecretary for Traditional Media and External Affairs shall, among others, be responsible for formulating and implementing messaging directives, and ensuring the efficient delivery of essential communication and messaging services of the Executive branch and the OP through various industry assets. The Undersecretary shall be assisted by five (5) Assistant Secretaries who shall each be in charge of Radio, Print, Television, External Affairs, and Media Accreditation and Relations, respectively.
Section 4. Digital Media Services. The Undersecretary for Digital Media Services shall be tasked to, among others, formulate and implement programs and policies on the responsible and efficient use of digital media assets and communication tools. The Undersecretary shall be assisted by two (2) Assistant Secretaries: one (1) for Digital Media and Communications; and one (1) for Digital Assets Management.
Section 5. Content Production. The Undersecretary for Content Production shall, among others, be in charge of providing close-in coverage of the official activities of the President, as well as the management and utilization of data related thereto. The Undersecretary shall be assisted by one (1) Assistant Secretary.
Section 6. Broadcast Production. The Undersecretary for Broadcast Production shall, among others, manage and organize live productions for broadcast. The Undersecretary shall be assisted by one (1) Assistant Secretary.
Section 7. Operations, Administration and Finance. The Undersecretary for Operations, Administration and Finance shall, among others, be responsible for the delivery of essential administrative and financial services to support the core mandates of the PCO. The Undersecretary shall be assisted by four (4) Assistant Secretaries who shall each be in charge of Government-Owned or -Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Finance, Administration, and Operations, respectively.
The People's Television Network, Inc., APO Production Unit, Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation, and National Printing Office are hereby attached to the PCO, which shall exercise administrative supervision over said attached agencies. The Assistant Secretary for GOCCs shall supervise, coordinate, and monitor the activities of the aforementioned agencies, oversee their compliance with their core mandates, evaluate their performance, and recommend changes to their structure and operations, if necessary, to ensure quality public service.
Section 8. Other Communication Agencies. The following communication agencies shall be under the direct control and supervision of the PCO:
- Presidential Broadcast Service-Bureau of Broadcast Services;
- Bureau of Communication Services;
- News and Information Bureau;
- Freedom of Information-Program Management Office;
- Philippine Information Agency (PIA); and
- Presidential Broadcast Staff-Radio Television Malacañang.
The PIA shall continue to be headed by a Director-General, with the rank of an Undersecretary, and shall be supported by four (4) Deputy Directors-General with the rank, salary and emoluments of an Assistant Secretary, and four (4) Assistant Directors-General with the rank, salary and emoluments of a Director IV. The Deputy Directors-General and Assistant Directors-General shall be entitled to their respective support staff. The divisions and regional offices of the PIA shall each be headed by a Director II, to be appointed by the Director-General, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations. The PCO Secretary, in coordination with the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the Career Executive Service (CES) Board, as the case may be, may recommend the qualification standards for the aforementioned positions within the PIA, in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations.
Section 9. Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern. All existing divisions and units of the PCO shall be reorganized consistent with the functional areas provided under this Order. The PCO Secretary, in coordination with the DBM, may recommend the abolition of redundant positions, divisions, and units, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations. Affected personnel of the PCO shall be allowed to avail of the benefits provided under existing laws, if applicable. The DBM is hereby ordered to release the necessary funds for the benefits of eligible employees.
The PCO Secretary shall further determine the appropriate staffing pattern and corresponding qualification standards for all positions under the new structure. For this purpose, the PCO shall submit to the DBM, for review and approval, a revised organizational structure and staffing pattern of the PCO, pursuant to this Order and subject to compliance with relevant laws, rules and regulations.
Section 10. Funding. The funds necessary for the implementation of this Order shall be charged to the available appropriations of the PCO, subject to relevant budgeting, accounting, and auditing rules and regulations. Thereafter, the subsequent funding requirements for the purpose shall be included in the budget proposal of the PCO, subject to the usual budget preparation process.
Section 11. Separability. If any section or part of this Order is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions not otherwise affected shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 12. Repeal. This Order hereby amends or modifies relevant provisions of EO No. 2 (s. 2022). All other issuances, orders, rules and regulations, or parts thereof that are inconsistent with this Order, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 13. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately.
Done, in the City of Manila, this 13th day of February, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Twenty-Three.
of the Philippines
Whereas, Section 17, Article VII of the Constitution vests in the President the power of control over all executive departments, bureaus and offices, and the mandate to ensure the faithful execution of laws;
Whereas, Section 31, Chapter 10, Title III, Book III of Executive Order (EO) No. 292 or the “Administrative Code of 1987," provides that the President, in order to achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have the continuing authority to reorganize the administrative structure of the Office of the President, and for this purpose, shall have the authority to restructure the internal organization of the Office of the President Proper, including the immediate Offices, the Presidential Special Assistants/Advisers System, and the Common Staff Support System, by abolishing, consolidating or merging units thereof or transferring functions from one unit to another;
Whereas, EO No. 1 (s. 2022) reorganized the Office of the President, including the immediate offices and agencies under or attached to it, and the Common Staff Support System; and
Whereas, there is a need to further streamline the administrative structure of the Office of the President as part of continuing efforts towards efficiency and responsiveness in the delivery of its critical mandates to the Filipino people;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR., President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the following:
Section 1. Organization of the Office of the President. The Office of the President shall consist of the following offices, each shall be under the direct control and supervision of the President, and thus shall directly report to the President:
- The Executive Office. The Executive Office shall consist of the Office of the Executive Secretary, Office of the Senior Deputy Executive Secretary, Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for General Administration, Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs, Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Finance and Administration, and Internal Audit Office, and the respective offices attached to them. The Executive Office shall be headed by the Executive Secretary who shall exercise control and supervision of all offices under or attached to it.
- Office of the Chief Presidential Legal Counsel. The Chief Presidential Legal Counsel shall provide legal advice and assistance to the President, and perform such other duties and functions as the President may assign.
- Private Office. The Private Office, including the Protocol Office and Social Secretary's Office, shall provide direct services to the President, and shall for this purpose attend to functions and matters that are personal or which pertain to the First Family.
- Office of the Special Assistant to the President. The Special Assistant to the President shall have control and supervision over Presidential Assistants and the Presidential Legislative Liaison Office.
- Presidential Communications Office. The Office of the Press Secretary is hereby renamed as the Presidential Communications Office which shall be responsible for crafting, formulating, developing, enhancing and coordinating the messaging system of the Executive branch and the Office of the President.
The organizational chart of the Office of the President is attached as ANNEX A which shall form an integral part of this Order.
Section 2. Presidential Management Staff. The Presidential Management Staff (PMS) shall be under the control and supervision of the Office of the Executive Secretary and shall provide staff assistance to the various offices under the Office of the President. The PMS shall likewise perform the functions of the Cabinet Secretariat, in assisting the President in the establishment of agenda topics for Cabinet deliberation and facilitating discussions of cabinet meetings. For this purpose, the Cabinet Clusters System shall be under the PMS. The PMS shall also exercise administrative supervision over the Correspondence Office.
Section 3. Authority of the Executive Secretary over Offices and Agencies outside the Office of the President Proper. The Executive Secretary shall continue to exercise administrative supervision over all the offices and agencies attached to or under the Office of the President and other Executive Offices, which refer to those offices placed under the chairmanship of the President, those under the control and supervision of the President, those attached to it for policy and program coordination, and those that are not placed by law or order creating them under any specific department.
The exercise of administrative supervision by the Executive Secretary shall be limited to general oversight of the operations of such offices and agencies, and ensuring that they are managed effectively, efficiently and economically, without interference with day-to-day activities, consistent with Section 27(5), Chapter 9, Title III, Book III, in relation to Section 38(2), Chapter 7, Book IV, both of EO No. 292.
Section 4. Mandates and Functions. All offices and agencies under the Office of the President shall continue to operate and function under their existing mandates, as prescribed under relevant laws or issuances.
Section 5. Separability. If any part or provision of this Order shall be held unconstitutional or invalid, the other parts or provisions not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.
Section 6. Repeal. This Order hereby amends or modifies relevant provisions of EO No. 1 (s. 2022). All other issuances, orders, rules and regulations, or parts thereof that are inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed, amended or modified accordingly.
Section 7. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately.
Done, in the City of Manila, this 29th day of December, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Twenty-Two.

of the Philippines
Whereas, it is the policy of the Administration to nurture a well-informed and enlightened citizenry, as well as to protect, promote, and abide by the highest standards of free expression and respect for press freedom;
Whereas, it is the policy of the Administration to provide true, accurate, and relevant information through effective utilization of communications assets and resources;
Whereas, Memorandum Order No. 32, s. 1986 created the Office of the Press Secretary which handled the information and communications operations of the Office of the President (OP);
Whereas, Executive Order No. 4, s. 2010, as amended, created the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) and organized the agencies attached therein;
Whereas, E.O. No. 111, s. 2020 reconstituted the Office of the Presidential Spokesperson and abolished the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office (PCDSPO);
Whereas, there is a need to rationalize and consolidate the communications arm of the Administration for a more efficient delivery of public policy to the general public;
Whereas, Section 31, Chapter 20, Title Ill, Book Ill of the Executive Order No. 292, s. 1987, or the Administrative Code of 1987 provides that the President has continuing authority to reorganize the administrative structure of the OP:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR., President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the following:
Section 1. Office of the Press Secretary The PCOO is hereby reorganized and renamed as the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) which shall be headed by a Press Secretary.
Section 2. Organization of the OPS. The OPS shall be organized as follows:
- Office of the Secretary. The Office of the Secretary (OSec) shall have an Assistant Secretary, with support staff of not more than twenty (20) personnel to be designated by the Press Secretary and approved by the Executive Secretary in the exigency of the service and in accordance with civil service law and rules;
- Undersecretaries. In addition to the foregoing, there shall be undersecretaries for the following areas, each of which shall have assistant secretaries and support staff:
- Operations, Plans and Policies;
- Administration, Finance and Procurement;
- Legal Affairs;
- Media Accreditation and Relations;
- Digital Media Services;
- Print Media Services, and related GOCCs and attached agencies;
- Broadcast Media Services, and related GOCCs and attached agencies; and
- Special Concerns.
Section 3. Powers and Functions of the OPS. The OPS shall perform the following functions:
- Pronounce, on behalf of the President, matters pertaining to his actions, policies, programs, official activities, and accomplishments;
- Develop and implement necessary guidelines and mechanisms pertaining to the delivery and dissemination of information on policies, programs, official activities, and achievements of the President and the Executive Branch;
- Coordinate the crafting, formulation, development, and enhancement of the messaging system under the OP and the Executive Branch;
- Supervise and coordinate with the agencies and government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) attached to the OPS for purposes of further strengthening the system of information delivery to the public.
- Establish and maintain rapport with private media and other similar entities and stakeholders; and
- Perform such other functions as the OP may assign from time to time.
Section 4. Divisions. All existing divisions and units of the PCOO shall be organized and reorganized under the areas of concern of the undersecretaries of the OPS. All redundant positions, divisions, and units, as may be determined by the OP, shall be abolished.
Section 5. Office of the Presidential Spokesperson. The Office of the Presidential Spokesperson is hereby abolished, and all its permanent personnel, equipment, and functions are transferred to the OPS.
Section 6. Agencies, Bureaus, and other Offices attached to the OPS. The following agencies, bureaus, and offices shall be attached to the OPS for purposes of supervision, control, and budget clustering:
- APO Production Unit;
- Bureau of Broadcast Services,
- Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation;
- National Printing Office;
- News and Information Bureau; and
- People's Television Network, Inc.
Section 7. Transfer of the Radio Television Malacañang (RTVM). RTVM and all its permanent personnel, equipment and functions shall be placed under the direct supervision and control of the Presidential Management Staff (PMS).
Section 8. Strengthening the Philippine Information Agency. The Philippine Information Agency (PIA) shall be under the direct supervision of the OP. The PIA shall absorb the following offices previously under the control and supervision of the PCOO:
- Bureau of Communications Services;
- Freedom of Information-Program Management Office; and
- Good Governance Office;
Further, the PIA shall continue to be headed by a Director-General, with a rank of Undersecretary, and shall be entitled to four (4) Deputy Directors-General with the rank, salary, and emoluments of Assistant Secretary, and four (4) Assistant Directors-General with the rank, salary, and emoluments of Director IV. The said Deputy and Assistant Directors-General shall be entitled to their respective support staff. These Deputy Directors-General and Assistant Directors-General shall support the plans, programs, and policies of the PIA and the OP in developing communications and various priority thrusts.
The Divisions and Regional Offices of the PIA shall each be headed by a Director Il, to be appointed by the Director-General, subject to existing civil service rules.
Lastly, the Director-General, Deputy Directors-General, Assistant Directors-General and Directors Il positions shall be included in the plantilla positions and shall be considered for eligibility and ranking under the Career Executive Service regulations.
Section 9. Rationalization and Streamlining. All concerned offices shall cause for the rationalization of staffing patterns, subject to the approval of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and the OP.
Section 10. Appropriations. The budget of the offices herein reorganized shall be sourced from the remaining budget of the PCOO, its attached agencies, and the OP, for the current year. The succeeding years' appropriations for the said offices shall be prepared in accordance with regular government budget procedures.
Section 11. Discharge of Functions. Except as may be required or warranted under this Executive Order, all agencies shall continue to discharge their respective functions and responsibilities as defined under existing laws or issuances.
Section 12. Repeal. E.O. No. 4, s. 2010 and E.O. No. 1 11, s. 2020, are hereby repealed. All other orders, rules, regulations and issuances, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with this Order, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 13. Separability. If any section or provision of this Order is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the portions not otherwise affected shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 15. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Done, in the City of Manila, this 30th day of June, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Twenty-Two.
of the Philippines
Whereas, it is the avowed policy of this administration to ensure transparency and full and appropriate disclosure of policies, programs, official activities, and achievements of the Office of the President and Executive Branch which are of public concern;
Whereas, it is the avowed policy of this administration to ensure transparency and full and appropriate disclosure of policies, programs, official activities, and achievements of the Office of the President and Executive Branch which are of public concern;
Whereas, the task of informing and communicating to the Filipino people the policies, programs, official activities, and achievements of the Office of the President and the Executive Branch presently involves, aside from the Office of the Press Secretary, several offices and agencies, the functions of some of which overlap;
Whereas, there is a vital need to re-organize and effect functional changes within the Office of the Press Secretary and create an office to systemize, rationalize and complement the existing structure to achieve a more efficient and systematic interaction between the people, the Office of the President, and the Executive Branch;
Whereas, it is likewise imperative that government re-defines its efforts to integrate and harmonize its message conceptualization, formulation and development policies and programs in order to fully utilize the opportunities arising from the rapid development of existing and emerging media;
Whereas, it is likewise imperative that government re-defines its efforts to integrate and harmonize its message conceptualization, formulation and development policies and programs in order to fully utilize the opportunities arising from the rapid development of existing and emerging media;
Now, Therefore, I, Benigno S. Aquino III President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
Section 1. The Presidential Communications Operations Office. The Office of the Press Secretary shall be reorganized and renamed as the Presidential Communications Operations Office which shall be headed by the Presidential Communications and Operations Head who shall have the rank of Cabinet Secretary with all the corresponding salaries, emoluments, and benefits.
Section 2. Functions of the Presidential Communications Operations Office. The Presidential Communications Operations Office shall perform the following functions:
- Develop and implement necessary guidelines and mechanisms pertaining to the delivery and dissemination of information relating to the policies, programs, official activities and achievements of the President and the Executive Branch;
- Develop, manage and operate viable government-owned or controlled information dissemination structure / facilities to provide the Office of the President in particular, and the Executive Branch in general, access to the people as an alternative to the private mass media entities;
- Set up and maintain local and international field offices, where necessary, to ensure that accurate information from the President and the Executive Branch is promptly and efficiently relayed, delivered and disseminated to intended target audiences;
- Manage, control or supervise, as may be necessary, the various government agencies and offices involved in information gathering and dissemination;
- Coordinate and cultivate relations with private media;
- Manage and administer the OP Website and the Web Development Office;
- Perform such other functions as the President may assign from time to time.
Section 3. Office Proper. The Presidential Communications Operations Office shall maintain such deputies and assistants as may be necessary to enable performance of its functions, including the following:
- Undersecretary for Administration and Finance;
- Undersecretary for Operations;
- Chief of Staff,
- Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs.
- Electronic Data Processing Division Chief;
Section 4. Agencies, Bureaus, and Other Offices Attached to the Presidential Communications Operations Office. The following agencies, bureaus, and offices shall be under the control and supervision of the Presidential Communications Operations Office:
- News and Information Bureau;
- Philippine News Agency;
- Philippine Information Agency
- Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) 13;
- RPN 9;
- NBN 4;
- PBS-Radio-Television Malacañang
- Bureau of Communications Services;
- National Printing Office;
- APO Production Unit; and
- OP Web Development Office.
Section 5. Creation of the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office. There is hereby established the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office.
Section 6. Functions of the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office. The Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office shall perform the following functions:
- Coordinate the crafting, formulation, development and enhancement of the messaging system under the Office of the President;
- Design and recommend responses to issues that arise on a daily basis.
- Ensure consistency in the messages issued by the Executive Department;
- Assist in the formulation and implementation of new media strategies for the Office of the President;
- Assist in research and development of new media instruments;
- Liase with the Malacañang Records Office;
- Control and supervise the conduct of market research, monitoring public opinion, and gathering, use and analysis of other relevant data as may be necessary;
- Formulate editorial guidelines and policies for state media;
- Ensure consistency in the implementation of the corporate identity of the Executive Department;
- Act as custodian of the institutional memory of the Office of the President, which includes the supervision and control of the Presidential Museum and Library, and liaison with the Malacañang Records Office;
- Perform editorial functions for the Official Gazette,
- Perform such other functions as may be directed by the President.
Section 7. The Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office Management. The Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office shall be managed by the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Head who shall have the rank of Cabinet Secretary, with all the corresponding salaries, emoluments, and benefits.
The Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Head shall be assisted by a Deputy, who shall have the rank of Undersecretary, with all the corresponding salaries, emoluments, and benefits, and whose functions shall be assigned by the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Head.
The Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office shall likewise have such other support service offices as may be necessary to enable the performance of its functions, including the following:
- Chief of Staff,
- Assistant Secretary for Messaging.
- Electronic Data Processing Division Chief;
Section 8. Agencies, Bureaus, and Other Offices Attached To The Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office. The following agencies, bureaus, and offices shall be attached to the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office.
- Presidential Message Staff;
- OP Correspondence Office, (previously placed under the Office of the Communications Director from the Presidential Management Staff per E.O. No. 348, 11 August 2004)
- Media Research and Development Staff, (as created by E.O. No. 297, 25 July 1987, from the Office of the Press Secretary;)
- Presidential Museum and Library
- Official Gazette; and
- Speech Writers Group (previously placed under the Office of the Communications Director from the Presidential Management Staff per E.O. No. 348, 11 August 2004)
Section 9. Staffing Requirements. The Presidential Communications Operations Office and the Presidential Communications Development and Strategic Planning Office, in coordination with the Department of Budget and Management shall formulate and establish the organizational structure and staffing pattern of the affected offices under this Executive Order, composed of such administrative and technical personnel as may be deemed necessary to efficiently and effectively carry out the functions and duties prescribed herein, subject to the approval of the Department of Budget and Management, and the Office of the President, thru the Executive Secretary.
Section 10. Appropriations. The budget of the offices herein reorganized and created shall be sourced from the remaining budget of the Office of the Press Secretary, and the Office of the President, as may be appropriate, for the current year, subject to existing and applicable laws, rules and regulations. The succeeding years’ appropriations for the said offices shall be prepared in accordance with regular government budget procedures.
Section 11. Discharge of Functions. Except as may be required under this Executive Order, all covered officials, offices or agencies shall continue with the discharge of their respective functions and responsibilities as defined under existing law or issuances.
Section 12. Implementing Rules. The Executive Secretary is hereby authorized to issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary to implement the provisions this Executive Order. He is also designated to determine the functional divisions of the offices, agencies, and bureaus herein mentioned all under the control and supervision of the Office of the President, thru the Executive Secretary.
Section 13. Repealing Clause. All orders, circulars, rules, regulations, and/ or issuance/s, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with the provision of this Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 14. Severability. If any provision of this Executive Order shall be held unconstitutional, the remainder not otherwise affected shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 15. Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila, this 30th day of July, in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Ten.
By the President of the Philippines
Whereas, two important Cabinet workshops have been held to assess Government performance as well as the organizational strengths and weaknesses of each department in relation to present challenges and opportunities;
Whereas, a consensus was reached during these workshops that the accomplishments and performance of the President and the Government are not being proactively and adequately communicated to the people, thereby creating a gap between public perception and reality in the field;
Whereas, the task of informing and communicating is a responsibility of all departments, particularly in their respective jurisdictions, with the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) acting as the lead agency in communicating the accomplishments, reports and activities of the Presidency and the Executive Branch;
Whereas, one of the actions taken as a result of the workshops is the promulgation of Memorandum Order No. 327 constituting Task Forces on Communicating National Reforms and Development;
Whereas, Memorandum Order No. 327 tasks the Press Secretary, among many others, to provide administrative and technical secretariat support as well as necessary media coordination for the above Task Forces;
Whereas, there is a need to streamline the present organizational and functional operations of all agencies attached to the Office of the Press Secretary to enable it to perform these crucial tasks more effectively and efficiently;
Now, Therefore, I, Fidel V. Ramos, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order:
Section 1. Coverage. The attached agencies covered by this Executive Order are as follows:
- Bureau of Broadcast Services
- News and Information Bureau, including the Philippine News Agency
- Bureau of Communication Services
- National Printing Office
- Philippine Information Agency
- RPN-9
- IBC-13
- PTNI or PTV-4
- Presidential Broadcast Staff (RTVM)
- OPS Proper
Section 2. Streamlining. The Press Secretary shall exercise direct supervision and control over all OPS attached agencies in all matters relating to informing and communicating to the public the achievements, reports, programs and activities of the President and Government.
As such, the Press Secretary may:
- Recruit the best and the brightest professionals to constitute the print, radio, and television composite team which will provide the technical support to and media coordination for the Task Forces and other media activities;
- Direct bureau directors and network general managers as well as their key personnel to report to the OPS Proper as often as the Press Secretary deems necessary to discuss media policy guidelines which have to be carried out in support of the Presidency, the Executive Branch and the Government;
- Recommend the employment and deployment of personnel in each agency in pursuance of the overall goal of mobilizing government instrumentalities towards one common direction in the attainment of our shared vision of "Philippines 2000!!!”; and
- Organizationally and functionally streamline the operations of the agencies, effect economies of scale, and implement cost-cutting measures, where necessary, in the pursuance of greater productivity and coordination.
Section 3. Repealing Clause. Executive Order No. 297, series of 1987, and other rules and regulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent herewith are hereby modified accordingly.
Section 4. Effectivity Clause. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Approved in the City of Manila, this 15th day of January in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Six.
By the Office of the President
Whereas, the reorganization of the government is mandated expressly in Article II, Section 1 (a), and Article III of the Freedom Constitution;
Whereas, pursuant to Executive Order No. 5 (1986), it is directed that necessary and proper changes in the organizational and functional structures of the government, its agencies and instrumentalities, be effected in order to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public services;
Whereas, there exists a vital need to create awareness and inform the public about the actions of government and the national leadership in its task of rebuilding a strong and dynamic nation;
Whereas, the national leadership, which has committed itself to the ideals of press freedom, has seen fit not to abdicate its share of voice in the formulation of public opinion;
Whereas, it is incumbent upon the national leadership to provide true and correct information to the public and to utilize and consolidate as much of its information resources as possible to ensure an effective and efficient information role;
Whereas, realizing that the Office of the Press Secretary was precisely created by Memorandum Order No. 32, dated September 1, 1986 and Executive Order No. 92, dated December 17, 1986, to ensure that the government’s point of view is communicated to the public especially on issues affecting the nation’s welfare, it is necessary that the mandate, powers and functions of this Office be redefined to avoid overlapping and to fix responsibilities therein;
Whereas, Article XVIII, Section 16 of the 1987 Constitution recognizes that the reorganization of the government shall be continued even after the ratification of the Constitution;
Now, Therefore, I, Corazon C. Aquino, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the sovereign will of the Filipino people and the Constitution, do hereby order:
Section 1. Title. This Executive Order shall otherwise be known as the Reorganization Act of the Office of the Press Secretary.
Section 2. Reorganization. The Office of the Press Secretary hereinafter referred to as Office, is hereby reorganized, structurally and functionally, in accordance with the provisions of this Executive Order.
Section 3. Declaration of Policy. The Office of the Press Secretary shall be the primary policy, planning, programming, and coordinating entity for the conduct of a relevant and effective information and communication management program that will present the activities, policies, and directions of the Presidency and the Government.
Section 4. Mandate. The primary functions of the Office shall be the formulation and implementation of an integrated program of information and developmental communication that will present the work of the Presidency, develop public understanding of activities, policies, and enhance public trust and support at the national, regional, barrio, and barangay level.
Section 5. Functions. The Office of the Press Secretary shall perform the following functions:
- Provide information to the public utilizing all government media services under its control;
- Coordinate the functions of its absorbed offices for the purpose of providing government with its "share of voice" in the free mass media environment;
- Administer the functions and support services needed to fulfill its responsibilities;
- Develop, propose, and implement necessary policy guidelines and mechanisms pertinent to its main functions of speaking on behalf of the government and the national leadership;
- Rationalize a viable and manageable government-owned information structure that will provide the government and the national leadership with instantaneous access to the people;
- Develop and manage a feedback mechanism that shall provide the people a venue to contribute to the creation of policies affecting them;
- Organize and maintain field offices where necessary, domestically and internationally, to ensure that government information reaches the intended target audiences;
- Maintain and operate such media facilities as is necessary, to strengthen its capabilities for information delivery through print, broadcast, electronic, and other special media vehicles.
Section 6. Structural Organization. The Office, aside from the Office Proper, shall consist of Bureaus.
Section 7. Office Proper. The Office Proper shall consist of the following units:
- Office of the Press Secretary
- Offices of the Undersecretaries
- Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Finance
- Administrative Service
- Financial and Management Service
- Media Research and Development Staff
Section 8. Press Secretary. The authority and responsibility for the exercise of the powers and the discharge of functions of the Office shall be vested in the Press Secretary, who shall have the rank of a Cabinet member, with all the rights and privileges appurtenant thereto, and who shall be appointed by the President.
Section 9. Functions of the Press Secretary. The functions of the Press Secretary shall be as follows:
- Act as the Presidential Spokesman and attend to the information needs of the President;
- Provide information regarding the plans, programs, and activities of the President to the public;
- Maintain liaison and close coordination with government departments and agencies involved in preparing and planning the activities of the President;
- Prepare and develop communication programs on the policies, activities, and programs of the Presidency;
- Coordinate with the various media, both local and foreign, in disseminating information regarding the affairs of the Presidency;
- Assume full responsibility for the accomplishment of the Office’s objectives and operations;
- Establish the policies and standards for the operation of the Office pursuant to the programs of the Government and the President;
- Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement Office objectives, policies and functions;
- Exercise direct supervision and control over all offices and units under the Office;
- Delegate authority for the performance of any function to officers and employees under his direction; and
- Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or as may be assigned by the President.
Section 10. Office of the Press Secretary. The Office of the Press Secretary shall be composed of the Secretary and his immediate staff.
Section 11. Undersecretaries. The Press Secretary shall be assisted by two (2) Undersecretaries who shall also be appointed by the President, upon the recommendation of the Secretary, and whose respective functional areas of responsibility shall be determined by the Press Secretary.
Section 12. Functions of the Undersecretaries. The functions of the Undersecretaries shall be as follows:
- Assist the Press Secretary in the formulation and implementation of Office objectives and policies;
- Oversee operational activities of the Office for which he shall be responsible to the Press Secretary;
- Coordinate the programs and projects of the Office, and be responsible for its economical, efficient, and effective administration;
- Serve as deputy to the Press Secretary in all matters relating to the operations of the Office;
- Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or as may be directed by the Press Secretary.
Section 13. Reorganized and Merged Agencies. The following agencies in the Office of the Press Secretary are hereby reorganized:
- The Bureau of Broadcasts and Radyo Ng Bayan are hereby merged into the Bureau of Broadcast Services.
- The Presidential Press Staff and the sub-offices under it, Philippine News Agency and its national offices, and the International Press Center are hereby merged into the News and Information Bureau.
- The Bureau of National and Foreign Information is hereby reorganized and renamed as the Bureau of Communications Services.
Section 14. Attached Agencies. The Presidential Broadcast Staff (RTVM), which is hereby created, is hereby attached to the Office of the Press Secretary. The People’s Television 4 and its affiliate stations are hereby attached as separate concerns to the Office of the Press Secretary.
Section 15. The Bureau of Broadcast Services. The Bureau of Broadcast Services shall be responsible for providing broadcast information on the activities, policies, and directions of the Government and the Presidency, thru the use of broadcast media throughout the country.
It shall be headed by a Broadcast Network Manager and assisted by an Assistant Broadcast Network Manager, both to be appointed by the President, upon the recommendation of the Press Secretary.
There shall be in the Bureau of Broadcast Services the following divisions: Engineering, Radio News, and Production.
The Bureau of Broadcast Services shall have the following functions:
- Provide nationwide broadcasting services primarily for the Government’s and the Presidency’s information and communication requirements;
- Provide broadcast services to all regions of the country with particular focus on areas not adequately served by private networks;
- Provide broadcast programming designed to preserve and promote the national heritage and culture, advanced educational goals, and support the thrusts and goals of the Presidency and the government;
- Continually improve programming and dissemination capabilities geared toward strengthened and innovative program syndication in support of countryside development;
- Provide auxiliary services to the broadcast requirements of various private broadcast stations, especially in the areas of news and public affairs where the latter require and need such services;
- Perform such other functions as may be provided by law.
Section 16. The News and Information Bureau. The News and Information Bureau shall be responsible for providing efficient, effective, productive, and economical services relating to the development and formulation of a domestic and foreign information program for the Government, in general, and the Presidency, in particular, including the development of strategies for the dissemination of information on specific government programs.
The News and Information Bureau shall be headed by a Director and assisted by an Assistant Director, both to be appointed by the President, upon the recommendation of the Press Secretary.
Consisting the News and Information Bureau are: Presidential Press Staff, Media Accreditation and Relations Division, and the Philippine News Agency.
The News and Information Bureau shall have the following functions:
- Formulate, develop, and implement a national information program for the Government and the Presidency, including the strategies in support of specific national development programs;
- Formulate, develop, and implement an overseas information program, including strategies for the effective dissemination of information about the Philippines, the policies, activities, and programs of the Government and the Presidency;
- Establish liaison with the representatives of domestic and foreign press, and provide assistance, as is deemed necessary, relevant to the projects, policies, and activities of the Government and the Presidency;
- Establish and maintain a system of accreditation for local and foreign members of media;
- Make arrangements for Presidential press and broadcast coverages and conferences;
- Provide services relative to day-to-day and special information and communication requirements of the Government and the Presidency, including the programming and monitoring of significant projects and activities on media relations and other media-related matters;
- Provide daily news services to both local and foreign publics on the policies, activities, and programs of the Government and the Presidency, and maintain a wire service operation, for the purpose of effecting coverage of events and developments relevant to the information needs of the Government and the Presidency;
- Produce and distribute information materials, such as: handbills, folders, pamphlets, posters, and other publications on the directions, policies, programs, and activities of the Government and the Presidency;
- Perform such other functions as may be provided by law.
Section 17. The Bureau of Communications Services. The Bureau of Communications Services shall be responsible for the development of communication services, and for providing services relating to policy formulation, communication planning, project development, research and evaluation, and the coordination of information planning within the framework of the over-all thrusts and priorities of the national development plan.
Consisting the Bureau of Communications Services are: Planning Division, Special Operations Division and Special Production Division.
The Bureau of Communications Services shall have the following functions:
- Develop and conduct a public information program that will enhance awareness to and secure positive public acceptance and support of the programs and activities of the Government and the Presidency;
- Coordinate information dissemination programs and projects including campaigns directed at the bureau’s specific target publics;
- Supervise the over-all conceptualization and production of special publications and audio-visual information/communication materials for the Government and the Presidency;
- Supervise the conceptualization, production, printing and dissemination of all information/communication materials and publications in support of the activities of the Government and the Presidency;
- Perform such other functions as may be provided by law.
Section 18. Transitory Measures. The Bureau of Broadcast Services and the Philippine News Agency are authorized to sell their services at rates not less than those offered by comparable private firms, Provided, That income realized shall be deposited with the National Treasury and shall accrue to the General Fund; Provided, further, That income realized shall be used to upgrade and update facilities, equipment, and services, and to augment maintenance and other operating expenses for network operations, upon submission of a special budget for the purpose: Provided, finally, That such special budget shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Budget and Management.
In case of merger or consolidation of government units, the new or surviving unit shall exercise the functions (subject to reorganization herein prescribed and the laws, rules and regulations pertinent to the exercise of such functions) and shall acquire the appropriations, funds, records, equipment, facilities, choses in action, rights, other assets, liabilities, if any, and personnel, as may be necessary, of (1) the units that compose the merged unit or (2) the absorbed unit, as the case may be. Such personnel shall, in hold-over capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits; Provided, That any such personnel, whose position is not included in the new position structure and staffing pattern approved and prescribed by the Secretary under Section 19 hereof or who is not reappointed, shall be deemed separated from the service and shall be entitled to the benefits provided under the second paragraph of the same Section 19.
Section 19. Position Structure and Staffing Pattern. Upon approval of this Executive Order, the officers and employees of the Office shall, in a hold-over capacity, continue to perform their respective duties and responsibilities and receive the corresponding salaries and benefits unless in the meantime they are separated from the service.
The new position structure and staffing pattern of the Office shall be approved and prescribed by the Secretary within one hundred twenty (120) days from the approval of this Executive Order and the authorized positions created thereunder shall be filled with regular appointments by him or by the President as the case may be. Those incumbents whose positions are not included therein or who are not reappointed shall be deemed separated from the service. Those separated from the service shall receive retirement benefits to which they may be entitled under existing laws, rules, and regulations. Otherwise, they shall be paid the equivalent of one month basic salary for every year of service in the government, or fraction thereof, computed on the basis of the highest salary received, but in no case shall such payment exceed the equivalent of twelve (12) months salary.
Section 20. Periodic Performance Evaluation. The Office is hereby required to formulate and enforce a system of measuring and evaluating periodically and objectively the performance of the Office and submit the same annually to the President.
Section 21. Prohibition Against Change. No change in the reorganization herein prescribed shall be valid except upon prior approval of the President for the purpose of promoting efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public services.
Section 22. Funding. Funds needed to carry out the provisions of this Executive Order shall be taken from funds available in the Office, Provided, That no funds shall be allocated for People’s Television 4 and its affiliate stations.
Section 23. Implementing Authority of the Secretary. The Secretary shall issue such rules, regulations and other issuances as may be necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of this Executive Order.
Section 24. Separability. Any portion or provision of this Executive Order that may be declared unconstitutional shall not have the effect of nullifying other portions or provisions hereof as long as such remaining portions can still subsist and be given effect in their entirety.
Section 25. Repealing Clause. All laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, other issuances or parts hereof, which are inconsistent with this Executive Order, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 26. Effectivity Clause. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
Approved in the City of Manila, Philippines, this 25th day of July, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Seven.
of the Philippines
Whereas, there exists a need to create awareness and inform the public about the actions of government and the national leadership in its task of rebuilding a strong and dynamic nation;
Whereas, the national leadership, which has committed itself to the ideals of press freedom, has seen fit not to abdicate its share of voice in the formulation of public opinion;
Whereas, it is incumbent upon the national leadership to provide true and correct information to the public;
Whereas, it is necessary for the government to utilize and consolidate as much of its information resources as possible to ensure an effective and efficient information role;
Whereas, the Office of the Press Secretary was precisely created to ensure that the government’s point of view is communicated to the public especially on issues affecting the nation’s welfare;
Now, Therefore, I, Corazon C. Aquino, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me, by the Fundamental Law of the Land, do hereby order and direct:
Section 1. The expansion of the scope of responsibility, authority and accountability of the Office of the Press Secretary, incorporating and absorbing under its control and supervision the following government information arms:
- The Bureau of National and Foreign Information and all its subsidiary offices. (International Press Center, Philippine New Agency and its national and foreign information offices)
- Radio and Television – Malacañang
- Presidential Press Staff and sub-offices under it.
- People’s Television 4 (formerly Maharlika Broadcasting System) and its affiliate stations
- The Bureau of Broadcasts and all radio stations under its control and supervision
- Radyo ng Bayan (formerly the Voice of the Philippines) and all radio stations under it
Section 2. Functions. The expanded OPS shall perform the following functions:
- Provide information to the public utilizing all government media services under its control;
- Coordinate the functions of above listed offices for the purpose of providing government with its "share of voice" in the free mass media environment;
- Administer the functions and support services needed to fulfill its responsibilities;
- Develop, propose and implement the necessary policy guidelines and mechanisms pertinent to its main functions of speaking on behalf of the government and the national leadership;
- Rationalize a viable and manageable government-owned information structure that will provide the government with instantaneous access to the people;
- Develop and manage a feedback mechanism that shall provide the people a venue to contribute to the creation of policies affecting them;
- Organize and maintain field offices where necessary, domestically and internationally, to ensure that government information reaches the intended target audiences.
Section 3. This Executive Order formally transfers control of above listed government information arms to the authority and control of the Office of the Press Secretary. All appropriations, equipment and personnel under them are hereby transferred to the Office of the Press Secretary.
The Office of the Press Secretary is hereby given authority and responsibility to restructure the above listed offices as it sees fit in order to effectively and efficiently carry out its task of providing information to the public.
Section 4. Repealing Clause. All laws, Executive Orders, proclamations, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 5.The Office of the Press Secretary as amended, is hereby declared a critical agency. As such, the Compensation Plan for the Office of the President (Proper) authorized under E. O. No. 530 dated March 31, 1979 shall apply to certain positions in the Office of the Press Secretary effective December 1, 1986.
The Ministry of Budget and Management is directed to implement this Order.
Section 6. Effectivity. This Order shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of December, in the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Six.
Whereas, the Filipino People have a right to be informed of the activities, policies and directions of their government;
Whereas, it is the policy of the government to keep the Filipino People informed of the affairs and functions of the President of the Philippines, in recognition of this basic right;
Whereas, it is the desire of the President to pursue this policy and, through it, maintain close liaison with the various sectors of the public at large;
Whereas, there is a need to establish an office that will provide the conduit and the mechanism in the fulfillment of this program.
Now, Therefore, I, Corazon C. Aquino, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and direct:
Section 1. Creation of the Office of Press Secretary – (OPS) There is hereby established the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) to be headed by a Press Secretary who shall have the rank of a cabinet member, with all the rights and privileges appurtenant thereto.
Section 2. Functions – The Press Secretary shall perform the following functions:
- To act as the official spokesman of the President.
- To keep track of the plans, programs and activities of the President.
- To maintain liaison and close coordination with government ministries and agencies involved in preparing and planning the activities of the President.
- To coordinate with the various media, both local and foreign, in disseminating information regarding the affairs of the President.
- To provide coverage and documentation particularly presidential activities.
Section 3. Access to Media – The Press Secretary shall have effective and priority access to government media agencies not under his direct control for the purpose of disseminating news and gathering information for the President. A detailed plan shall be provided in-an appropriate implementing memorandum.
Section 4. Organization – The Press Secretary shall designate his Assistant/Assistants and prepare an organizational structure embodying the staffing requirements of his office.
Section 5. Budget – The OPS is likewise directed to cause the preparation of an operating budget in collaboration with the Office of Budget and Management on the details necessary to put into effect the implementation as prescribed by this Memorandum Order in accordance with the existing laws, rules and regulations. For succeeding budget years, appropriations for the OPS shall be prepared in accordance with the regular government budget procedures.
Section 6. Repealing Clause – All laws, executive orders, proclamations, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are insistent herewith, are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 7. Effectivity – This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.
Done in the City of Manila, this 1st day of September, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Six.

- The Agency’s Mandates, Vision, Mission and Functions
- Position, Designation and Contact Information
- Review and Compliance Procedure in the Filing and Submission of the Sworn Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN)
- Review and Compliance Committee | Office Order No. 20-027 | Reconstitution of the Review and Compliance Committee |
- Review and Compliance Committee Certification for SALN: | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
- Certification of undertaking of Early Procurement Activities (EPA) FY 2023
- Certification of undertaking of Early Procurement Activities (EPA) FY 2025
- ISO 9001:2015 Certification
- 2025 Annual Regulatory Plan (ARP)
- Statement of Allotment, Obligation and Balances
- FY 2014 (as of 31 March 2014)
- FY 2013 (as of 30 Nov. 2013)
- FY 2012
- FY 2011
- FY 2010
- Statement of Allotment, Obligation and Balances – Superseded by Joint Circular 2014-1 dated 02 July 2014 (COA – DBM) Please refer to f. Financial Accountability Reports.
- Disbursement
- Physical Plan
- Financial Report of Operation
- Financial Plan
- Financial Accountability Reports
- FY 2024
- FY 2023
- FY 2022
- FY 2021
- FY 2020
- FY 2019
- FY 2018
- FY 2017
- FY 2016
- FY 2015
- FY 2014
- FY 2013
- Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) Scorecard
g.1 FY 2020
g.2 FY 2022
- PCO Approved Budget
- Approved Budget FY 2025
- Approved Budget FY 2024
- Approved Budget FY 2023
- Approved Budget FY 2022
- Approved Budget FY 2021
- Approved Budget FY 2020
- Approved Budget FY 2019
- Approved Budget FY 2018
- Approved Budget FY 2017
- Approved Budget FY 2016
- Approved Budget FY 2015
- Approved Budget FY 2014
- Approved Budget FY 2013
- Approved Budget FY 2012
- Approved Budget FY 2011
- Approved Budget FY 2010
- Annual Procurement Plan
- Annual Procurement Plan FY 2025
- Indicative Annual Procurement Plan FY 2025
- Supplemental Annual Procurement Plan FY 2025 | 2nd | 3rd |
- Supplemental Annual Procurement Plan FY 2024 | 10 May 2024 | 07 August 2024 | 24 October 2024 | Supplemental APP No. 5 |
- Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2024 | 31 January 2024 |
- Indicative Annual Procurement Plan FY 2024
- Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2023, updated: | 23 January 2023 | March 9, 2023 | 02 May 2023 | 23 June 2023 | 26 July 2023 | 11 August 2023 | 07 September 2023 | 04 October 2023 | 16 November 2023 |
- Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2024 (Trust Fund Projects), updated: | 29 February 2024 | 31 March 2024 | 07 August 2024 | 28 October 2024 |
- Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2023 (Trust Fund Projects), updated: | 04 April 2023 | 31 May 2023 |
- Indicative Annual Procurement Plan for 2023
- Annual Procurement Plan for FY 2022, updated: | Jan. 22, 2022 | Jan 27, 2022 | 23 February 2022 | 23 March 2022 | 06 May 2022 | 26 May 2022 | 17 November 2022 | 23 November 2022 |
- Annual Procurement Plan (Trust Fund Projects) | 27 January 2022 | 28 February 2022 | 06 May 2022 |
- Indicative Annual Procurement Plan for 2022
- Annual Procurement Plan for 2021, updated: | January 23, 2021 | May 6, 2021 | July 3, 2021 | August 23, 2021 | September 29, 2021 | December 12, 2021 |
- Supplemental Annual Procurement Plan FY 2021 (Trust Funds Projects) | January 28, 2021 | October 1, 2021 |
- Indicative Annual Procurement Plan for 2021
- Supplemental Annual Procurement Plan FY 2020 (Trust Funds Projects)
- Annual Procurement Plan for 2020 (CSE)
- Annual Procurement Plan for 2020, updated: |12 May 2020|21 Nov. 2020| 07 Dec. 2020 | 27 Dec. 2020 |
- Indicative Annual Procurement Plan for 2020
- Annual Procurement Plan for 2019, updated:|7 June 2019|21 Nov. 2020|
- Annual Procurement Plan for 2018
- Annual Procurement Plan for 2017
- Annual Procurement Plan for 2016 (Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay)
- Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (2016)
- Supply and Delivery of APEC Uniforms (2015)
- Janitorial Services, Security Services and Lease of Standard C-Band Space Segment for PCOO’s Philippine Administrative Network Project (2015)
- Lease of Standard C-Band Space Segment for PCOO’s Philippine Administrative Network Project (PANP) (2014)
- Janitorial and Security Services (2014)
- Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (2015)
- Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (2013)
- Vehicles (2013)
- Common-Use Supplies and Equipment (2014)
- Equipment (2014)
- Certification of Compliance
- Procurement of:
Please see separate page for Procurement of 2019. - Request for Quotation
Please see separate page for Request For Quotation of 2019.-
- Request for Quotation for Container Van Rental
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation for Dagyaw 2019: Koronadal City
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation (Butuan)
- Request for Quotation for Container Vans
- Request for Quotation for PCOO Roadshow Tokens/Collaterals
- Request for Quotation for Prepaid Load Cards
- Request for Quotation for Hard Hats/ Emergency Hats
- Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of PCOO Emergency Kits / “Go” Bags
- Request for Quotation for DAGYAW Printing Materials
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation for Dagyaw
- Request for Quotation for INEO 1070+ Printer Toner
- Request for Quotation for Catering Services
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation for Dagyaw Team in Cebu City
- Request for Quotation for Memorabilia for Loyalty Awards 2019
- Request for Quotation for General Post Control Treatment for PCOO NEB
- Request for Quotation for Multimedia Editing Software
- Request for Quotation for IP Radio
- Request for Quotation for Office Supplies
- Request for Quotation for LED Panel Lights
- Request for Quotation for Airconditioning Unit
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation
- Request for Quotation for INEO 1070+ Printer Toner
- Request for Quotation for Airconditioning Unit
- Request for Quotation for Catering Services
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation in Tuguegarao
- Request for Quotation for Airconditioning Unit
- Request for Quotation for Van Rental
- Request for Quotation for Office Supplies
- Request for Quotation for Vehicle Spare Parts
- Request for Quotation for Firewall
- Request for Quotation for Office Furniture
- Request for Quotation for Vehicle Battery
- Request for Quotation for Customized USB Flash Drives
- Request for Quotation for Motor Vehicle, Repair and Parts
- Request for Quotation for Motor Vehicle Repair and Spare Parts Replacement
- Request for Quotation for Motor Vehicle Service, Repair and Parts
- Request for Quotation for Motor Vehicle Repair and Spare Parts Replacement
- Request for Quotation for Aircon Installation Materials
- Request for Quotation for Repair and Maintenance of Innova Service Vehicle
- Request for Quotation for Tires
- Request for Quotation for Block-up Converter
- Request for Quotation for Memorabilia ID Bracelet | Specifications
- Request for Quotation for Memorabilia Ring | Specifications
- Request for Quotation for Projector
- Request for Quotation for Workstations, Table and Cabinet
- Request for Quotation for Motor Vehicle Spare Parts
- Request for Quotation for Multimedia Editing Software
- Request for Quotation for Software Applications
- Request for Quotation for Multimedia Editing Software
- Request for Quotation for Multimedia Editing Software
- Request for Quotation for Multimedia Editing Software
- Request for Quotation for Multimedia Editing Software
- Request for Quotation for Plaque
- Request for Quotation for Office Supplies
- Request for Quotation for Electrical Supplies and Materials
- Request for Quotation for Projector
- Request for Quotation for IP Radio, Installation and Materials
- Request for Quotation for Lights and Sound System
- Request for Quotation for Tokens
- Request for Quotation for Van Rental
- Request for Quotation for Information Technology Appliance
- Request for Quotation for Information Technology Appliance
- Request for Quotation for workstations, table and cabinet
- Request for Quotation for Information Technology Equipment
- Request for Quotation for Information Technology Equipment
- Request for Quotation for Various Construction Materials
- Request for Quotation for Various Construction Materials
- Request for Quotation for Various Construction Materials
- Request for Quotation for Tents
- Request for Quotation for Lights and Sounds System
- Request for Quotation for USB Flash Drives
- Request for Quotation for Flat Screen TV (32 inches)
- Request for Quotation for Catering Services
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation
- Request for Quotation for Lights and Sound System | Additional Technical Specifications
- Request for Quotation for Catering Services
- Request for Quotation for Catering Services
- Request for Quotation for Catering Services
- Request for Quotation for Lease of Tent with Air Conditioning System
- Request for Quotation for Van Rental
- Request for Quotation for Meals (AM & PM Snacks, Lunch)
- Request for Quotation for Lights and Sound System | Technical Specifications
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation
- Request for Quotation for Audio and Lighting System | Technical Specifications
- Request for Quotation for Lights and Sounds for Sulong Pilipinas | Amended
- Request for Quotation for Catering For Sulong Pilipinas (La Union)
- Request for Quotation for Hotel Accommodation (La Union), Sulong Pilipinas
- Request for Quotation for 10TB Hard Disk Drive
- Request for Quotation for Supply and Delivery of Emergency Kits
- Request for Quotation for Catering Services for 400 Pax and Whole Lechon
- Request for Quotation for Open Type Shelves (Steel) and 4 Rung Aluminum Ladder
- Request for Quotation for Brother MFC 9140 CDN Drum Toner
- Request for Quotation for Gmail Account
- Request for Quotation for Biometric and Payroll System
- Request for Quotation for Email Accounts Hosting Provider
- Request for Quotation for Block UP Converter (BUC)
- Request for Quotation for Office Fixtures
- Request for Quotation for Tourist Bus
- Request for Quotation for Partition Wall with Table
- Request for Quotation for Electrical Equipment
- Request for Quotation for Electrical Equipment
- Request for Quotation for ID Bracelet
- Request for Quotation for Office Fixtures
- Request for Quotation for Office Supplies
- Request for Quotation for Printer Ink
- Request for Quotation for Office Supplies
- Request for Quotation for DPWH Magazine
- Request for Quotation for Newsletter (Mula sa Puso Para sa Masa)
- Request for Quotation for 8 Ushers
- Request for Quotation for Portable Toilet
- Request for Quotation for LED Wall for Lobby at World Trade Center
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN Commemorative Watch
- Request for Quotation for Printer Ribbon YMCKT with PVC Card
- Request for Quotation for Television Set 32″, LED
- Request for Quotation for Airconditioned Tent
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN Windbreaker Jacket
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN Pins
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN White Dry Fit Sport Shirt
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN Umbrella
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN PCOO Planner
- Request for Quotation for Aukey Pocket 500mAh Power Bank
- Request for Quotation for Aukey Pocket 500mAh Power Bank
- Request for Quotation for Heavy Duty Closed Tent with Flooring
- Request for Quotation for Conference System
- Request for Quotation for Filipiniana Outfit
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of WIFI Internet Access
- Request for Quotation for Medicine Travel Organizer
- Request for Quotation for VIP Passenger Van
- Request for Quotation for Usher
- Request for Quotation for Lease of Various Equipment
- Request for Quotation for Lease of Internet Access
- Request for Quotation for Canon Ink
- Request for Quotation for Delicacy Bag and Handmade Soap
- Request for Quotation for Datacard PVC ID’s and Ink
- Request for Quotation for Water Proofing Roof Deck (Primo)
- Request for Quotation for Lenovo Yoga 300
- Request for Quotation for Case Size
- Request for Quotation for Balikbayan box and office supplies
- Request for Quotation for Chairs
- Request for Quotation for Delicacy Bag
- Request for Quotation for Sony A7S II E-Mount Camera, etc.
- Request for Quotation for Canon Camera EOS-5d Mark iv, etc.
- Request for Quotation for Macbook Air 13.3″, Chrome Book Model CB3-131(White) & Macbook Pro 13.3″
- Request for Quotation for Canon Camera EOS-5d Mark iv, etc.
- Request for Quotation for Sony A7S II E-Mount Camera, etc.
- Request for Quotation for Thermal Printer, QR Code Scanner and Polyster Sticker
- Request for Quotation for Television Set 32″
- Request for Quotation for Black Polo Shirt with print and Jacket with print
- Request for Quotation for LF Avante for SQL
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Installation of Air-Condition System
- Request for Quotation for the Conference Chairs
- Request for Quotation for the Conference Table
- Request for Quotation for the Copying Machine
- Request for Quotation for the Delicacy Bag and Handmade Soap
- Request for Quotation for the Macbook Air and office equipments
- Request for Quotation for the Sling Bag
- Request for Quotation for the Male and Female Ushers
- Request for Quotation for the VIP Passenger Van
- Request for Quotation for TV and Office Equipments
- Request for Quotation for VIP Van (132)
- Request for Quotation for Dual Band Access Point, Power over ethernet (Poe) and Wireless Controller Single AP license
- Request for Quotation for LED TV set
- Request for Quotation for LED TV 65″ and IT office equipments
- Request for Quotation for Office Materials
- Request for Quotation for Rental of VIP Van
- Request for Quotation for Rental of LED Wall Package
- Request for Quotation for Ushers (3 Qty)
- Request for Quotation for Ushers (7 Qty)
- Request for Quotation for A Lighting System, Audio and Video Systems
- Request for Quotation for Leather Bags (Philippine-mad)
- Request for Quotation for TV and Office Equipment
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN Booklet Chairmanship
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN Booklet Community
- Request for Quotation for ASEAN Pins
- Request for Quotation for VIP Passenger Van – 111 rental days
- Request for Quotation for VIP Passenger Van – 126 rental days
- Request for Quotation for Led TV 55″ and office equipment
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of Wifi Internet Access
- Request for Quotation for the Notebook with Pen
- Request for Quotation for the Bag Tag
- Request for Quotation for the Metal Pen
- Request for Quotation for the Supply and Installation of Carpet
- Request for Quotation for the Rental of Convertible Notebook Laptop
- Request for Quotation for Conference Table
- Request for Quotation for Ruckus Zoneflex R300 Access Point
- Request for Quotation for Moleskin Notebook
- Request for Quotation for CCTV Led Monitor and other accessories
- Request for Quotation for Air-con units
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of Token of Appreciation
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of Token of Appreciation
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of ASEAN Chairmanship Pins (Magnet Type)
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of ASEAN Notebook and Pen
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of ASEAN Sling Bag
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of ASEAN Sun Visor
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of Catering Service
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of Catering Service
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of Tent and Generation Set
- Request for Quotation for the Lease of Furnitiure and Fixtures
- Request for quotation for the Lease of Wifi Internet
- Request for quotation for the Lease of IT Equipment
- Request for quotation for the Lease of Supply and Installation of Office Furniture and Fixtures
- Request for quotation for the Lease of Two (2) Function Rooms that can serve as an Office / Operations Center
- Request for quotation for the Lease of Interpreters/Language Translation booths and Transmission System
- Request for quotation for the Lease of Catering Services
- Request for quotation for the Lease of 40ft-High Cube Container Van
- Procurement Monitoring Report (PMR)
- Supply and Delivery of APEC Uniforms (2015)
- Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) Self-Assessment Form
- People’s FOI Manual
- FOI Reports
- One-Page FOI Manual | English | Tagalog