

Renewal of Endpoint Antivirus License and Firewall Licenses for the Office of the Press Secretary (Lot 3) (Early Procurement) (Procurement/Contract No. 2022-OPS-EPA-007C-2) (Second Round)

Early Procurement of Shirts and Jersey for the Office of the Press Secretary Sportsfest and Activities CY 2023

Lease of Multipurpose Digital Photocopier Machines for CY 2023 (Early Procurement)

Renewal of Endpoint Antivirus License and Firewall Licenses for the Office of the Press Secretary (3 Lots) (Early Procurement)

Supply and Delivery of Newspapers for CY 2023 (Early Procurement)

Early Procurement of Tokens for Office of the Press Secretary (OPS)

Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Provisioning of Internet Backup for the Office of the Press Secretary

Early Procurement of Office Supplies Not Available in the Procurement Service – DBM

Early Procurement of Swab Tests for OPS Officials and Employees (2 Lots)

Procurement of OPS Loyalty Memorabilia

Supply and Delivery of Software and Hardware Requirements for the Office of the Press Secretary (OPS) Network Operations Center (NOC) Project (2nd Round)

Office Printers and Scanners and Quality Photo Printer

Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicle Parts for Repair and Maintenance of OPS Vehicles

Notice of Resumption of Procurement Activities

Notice of Cancellation of Procurement Activities

Notice of Suspension of Procurement Activities in Preparation for the Transition to the PCOO New Administration

Supply and Delivery of Software and Hardware Requirements for the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Network Operations Center Project

Supply and Delivery of Materials for Repair and Maintenance of PCOO Offices (Round 3)

Procurement of Firewall License for the Philippine Administrative Network Project (PANP)

Procurement of Freedom of Information (FOI) Tokens and Printed Materials (2 Lots)

Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicle Parts for Repair and Maintenance of PCOO Vehicle

Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Provisioning of Internet Bandwidth for the Presidential Communications Operations Office (3 Lots)

Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment and Software Applications – Lot 2: Social Media Listening Tool (Round 3)

Supply, Delivery, Installation, Supervision, Integration, Training, Testing, and Commissioning of Various Equipment Systems and Professional Services for the PCOO Government Communications Academy

Procurement of Swab Tests for the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Officials and Employees

Consulting Services for the Development and Implementation of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Data Science Research & Development (R&D) Project (Round 2)

Supply and Delivery of Motor Vehicle Parts for Repair and Maintenance of PCOO Vehicles

Supply and Delivery of ICT Equipment and Software Applications – Lot 2: Social Media Listening Tool (Round 2)

Supply and Delivery of Materials for Repair and Maintenance of PCOO Offices (Round 2)

Consultancy Services for the Development and Implementation of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Data Science Research & Development (R&D) Project

Procurement of Office Equipment for the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO)

Supply and Delivery of Materials for Repair and Maintenance of PCOO Offices

Procurement of General Office Supplies Not Available at PSDBM

Procurement of Swab Tests for the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Officials and Employees – Rebid

Procurement of Swab Tests for the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Officials and Employees