From Presidential Spokesperson Ernie Abella – On the PH consideration on the 3rd Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Today, May 8, the Philippine delegation highlights our significant achievments in upholding and protecting human rights. 

Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, together with Deputy Executive Secretary Menardo Guevarra, Presidential Human Rights Committee Undersecretary Severo Catura, Ambassador Evan Garcia of the Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) and Other International Organizations will present the human rights situation in the country before the United Nations Human Rights Council (UN HRC) during the third cycle of its Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

The actual review for the Philippines includes interactive discussion between the Philippines under review and other UN Member States. This takes place during a meeting of the UPR Working Group. During this discussion, UN Member States can make comments and/or give recommendations. Only UN Member States who have been able to express intent before the deadline can ask questions.