
Speech by President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.during the 50th Anniversary of the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas

Event 50th Anniversary of the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas
Location Main Hall of the Manila Polo Club in Makati City

Thank you very much to the Presidential Communications Office Secretary Cheloy Garafil. [Please take your seats.]

Trade and Industry Secretary, Secretary Fred Pascual; Pasig City Lone District Representative Roman Romulo; the members of the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas led by Chairman Herman Basbaño; the KBP President Ruperto Nicdao Jr.; and fellow workers in government; distinguished guests; ladies and gentlemen, good evening.

It is a great pleasure for me to join the Kapisanan ng [mga] Brodkaster ng Pilipinas on this very, very important day, the celebration of your 50th Anniversary.

It has been a long road but nonetheless tonight’s event goes beyond a mere celebration of the KBP’s half-century of existence; and it is also a fitting celebration of responsible broadcasting and press freedom on this side of the world—coinciding with the centennial [of] broadcasting in the Philippines.

This milestone only attests to the fact that the KBP has fully established itself as an institution of national significance. Through the years, your brand of public service has been in its advocacy of promoting independence and freedom of broadcast media, responsibility and enhanced public service
in broadcasting, and the advancement of innovation and development of Philippine broadcasting.

The past half-century have seen changes, not only of Administrations, but of significant shifts in the political terrain, very important historical events, as well as advancements in technologies that have paved the way for the unprecedented development of the “fourth estate”, particularly, the broadcasting industry.

Within the last five decades, we have seen the rise and later on the takeover of the internet, computers, smartphones—tools that we now depend on and cannot live without. From these tools then came the birth of new media for gathering and sharing information to those who have access to these platforms.

The KBP, through all that, has weathered these events and changes, and has maintained its social relevance, acting as a uniting and balancing force of broadcast organizations.

Throughout the years, the KBP has remained a visible, active and fair advocate of both rights and obligations of its members and of all industry players.

You have advocated for freedom, independence, capacity-building within the industry.

It has also advocated for professionalism, social responsibility in the industry, by promoting fair and ethical practices and enhanced public service. This has been done through independent self-regulation and public service announcements.

On this note, it is fitting that we recognize the KBP and its indispensable role in the healthy development of the broadcast media industry in the Philippines, and of the freedom of the press in general.

Moreover, we recognize the significant contribution in the shaping of public opinion and the development of a highly well informed citizenry.

Taken together, these contributions attest to KBP’s integral involvement in developing a robust democracy and economy for the country.

KBP’s role remains crucial now as it has ever been, as we continue to confront newer and pressing challenges to our society, amid all the challenges and advancements, and the passage of fifty years since the establishment of the KBP.

One is the challenge of ensuring the integrity and credibility of information. Well, we have — we started with mistaken information, then it became more active, disinformation, and misinformation and now, out-and-out, fake news.

These are among the negative effects of technological advancement and the social media age. However, it is something that is to be expected considering how powerful the tool social media has become.

And like any powerful tool, it cuts both ways. And it is up once again to the KBP to bring a measure of stability, a measure of objectivity, to help our people discern what is the real information and what is propaganda.

In these noble causes, the “fourth estate”, led of course by the broadcast media, stands as the stalwart partner of our conscientious and peace-loving citizenry, also of our legitimate and equally conscientious government.

Animated by the raison d’etre of truthful and accurate reporting of events and issues of public interest and importance, the press and broadcast media are instrumental not only in informing the citizenry, but also in shaping public opinion and even triggering social mobilization and change.

Therefore, I exhort the KBP to continue your very important work with our people and with the government, addressing and remedying the issues and challenges that we face.

Take the lead and foster public discussion, truth and credibility, the rule of law, especially in the practice of broadcasting, news reporting and information-dissemination.

For its part, this government will remain committed to ensuring transparency and good governance, freedom of expression and of the press, and the protection of media practitioners and their rights in the practice of their profession.

A few days from now, we will commemorate the 30th anniversary of the UN World Press Freedom day. We are aware that currently the Philippines sits at 147th place in the World Press Freedom Index. As a testament to our oneness with the international community, we shall work hard, hand in hand with you to improve that present condition, and climb our way up in those rankings.

Let the KBP continue to be the strong voice, it always has been, an efficient instrument of public service in Philippine society.

Onward to many more decades of important and relevant existence, may you genuinely dedicate them to upholding the truth, freedom, and social justice for the benefit and upliftment of the present and of succeeding generations of Filipinos.

Congratulations on your golden anniversary! Mabuhay ang KBP!Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! Maraming salamat po at magandang gabi po sa inyong lahat!

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