News Release

From the Presidential Spokesperson – On Remembering Yolanda

Today the nation remembers Yolanda.

As we commemorate the deadliest typhoon that hit the Philippines on record and offer prayers to those who lost their lives, we also keep in mind the lessons learned brought by such great tragedy.

Yolanda is a story of faith and hope that characterizes our people as it is an account of tapang at malasakit that we must demand from our leaders.

The Duterte administration has pursued rehabilitation and reconstruction of Yolanda-affected communities. We have rehabilitated seaport and airport facilities and classrooms. Our shelter assistance in Tacloban City is the most successful model in the Yolanda Permanent Housing Program with the most number of resettlement houses occupied at 10,703 units from a total housing target of 14,433 houses.

As we move forward, we must continue to stand united and exhibit the strong and resilient Filipino spirit as we build a better nation where there is comfortable life for all.