News Release

Anti-Red Tape directs government agencies to submit updated office order, directory

The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) has reiterated its call for all government offices to submit their respective updated Committee on Anti-red Tape Authority (CART) office order and directory.

All submissions will be coursed through the online platform specified by ARTA with deadline of submission on January 15, 2024.

According to the ARTA Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2020-07, all government offices covered by the Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Law are required to form their respective CART to ensure their agency’s compliance with the law and its implementing rules and regulations.

An updated guideline was issued through the MC No. 2023-08, stating that CART shall include at least one focal person for each bureau, regional office, or field/satellite office under the supervision of their main agency.

For Local Government Units, only provincial, city and municipal government are required to form a CART. Barangays are also directed to designate at least a focal person to be a member of their respective LGU CART.

For State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), only the main campuses are required to form their CART and designate at least one focal person per satellite campus.

Government hospitals under the Department of Health (DOH) are also required to have their own CART separate from the DOH-CART. PND