News Release

Have faith in each other and in the Lord, President Duterte tells Filipinos in Easter message

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte joined the entire Christian Filipino Community in the celebration of Easter Sunday, saying the occasion is an opportunity to thank the Almighty and foster national unity.

“May this occasion gives us reason to thank the Almighty and have faith — in each other and in the Lord – so that we may stand brave and united in our journey as a people,” President Duterte said in a message released by the Palace Sunday.

“Let us be hopeful of better days ahead even as we continue to work hard for the brighter and more prosperous future that we aspire for ourselves and for future generations.”

Despite the multiple challenges that the country has confronted over the past few years, the President said Filipinos remain strong and resilient because they hold firm to the promise of salvation as professed by Jesus Christ.

“The fulfillment of the Resurrection of the Lord therefore gives us hope and courage to never falter no matter how overwhelming the odds seemingly are,” he said.

Easter is one of the most important days in the Christian faith commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead according to the New Testament.

The Philippines is the only Christian nation in Asia, with more than 86 percent of the population belonging to Catholic faith. A small percentage is affiliated with various nationalized Christian cults, and other denominations. PND