News Release

DA: Kadiwa ng Pangulo ‘Rice-for-All’ program depressing rice prices at metro markets

Market rice retailers started lowering prices following the successful implementation of the Kadiwa ng Pangulo “Rice-for-All” program across Metro Manila, according to the Department of Agriculture (DA).

The Kadiwa ng Pangulo “Rice-for-All” program is an initiative launched by the DA, local dealers, importers and wholesalers, with the support of the Philippine National Police (PNP).

The program ensures the smooth distribution of affordable rice at PhP40 per kilo with a 25-kilogram limit per person.

The DA and other stakeholders said the program made a dent on the staple’s price.

Rice being sold by the Kadiwa and its retailers is cheaper by PhP3 to PhP5 compared with those being sold by market retailers, resulting in increased sales by rolling stores in the recent operation.

Market retailers are currently reducing their prices to keep up with the lower price offered by rolling stores, the DA reported.

So far, EDSA Balintawak Market (Southbound, Brgy. Balingasa, Quezon City) distributed 110 sacks of rice; New Marulas Public Market (Along Market Road, Brgy. Marulas, Valenzuela City), five sacks; and Malabon Central Market (Along F. Sevilla Blvd., Brgy. Tañong, Malabon City), 32 sacks.

A total of 147 sacks of rice were distributed, based on the government report.

The Kadiwa ng Pangulo “Rice-for-All” program resumed Friday, December 27, on its seventh day, targeting more public markets in time for the celebration of New Year. | PND